Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I seem to be victim of the "Try doing too many things, many are not done well" syndrome.
Even though I am retired from a clock punching job, I still feel too busy to do anything well. Not sure that's necessary unless it involves personal relationships.
With the 7 sons and daughters and their families, it's hard to share time with them all and have time remaining to spend with other family and friends outside the family. Sometimes we even get to stay at home.
One of my close friends commented that I will always have more projects than I can finish. I did manage to build a nice workshop. It's almost finished and I don't get to spend near as much time there as I intended when the idea first formed.
Seems the house and many of the toys are wearing out. That adds to the demands, since I've not yet learned to allow anyone else to do my chores.
I have a web site on Verizon that hasn't been updated in a year.
Not sure the last time I spent time in my Facebook and did more than read a few friends' posts.
Here I am trying to update my blog and when I proof read...... Egad, what a whine! The only saving grace, I think I'm having fun. Hope I can keep up the pace.

1 comment:

  1. slow down Dad!!!!! But do come to see us soon! It's getting hot there and it still COOOOOOL here. love you! Nik


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