Thursday, November 6, 2008

Picture of us.

I added a picture. We went to the largest craft show I've ever seen. There were about 5 blocks of booths about 3 or 4 rows wide. Mostly it was more of the same, but there was a lot of really cool stuff I had not seen before. The picture is in front of some lifesize metal cactus sculptures that were quite realistic.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I suppose my title leads one to believe I am still employed some where.
I pulled the plug on the work-a-day time clock almost 2 years ago and I don't think I've spent more than a couple of "kick back" days since.
There's always some project going on and before I finish it, there is at least one other (or more) in the works.
Over the last several years, the summer heat on the desert has been increasingly difficult to tolerate. Thus, summer travel in pursuit of cooler climates has been the order of the season.
Our motorhome odometer passed the 80K mark this year. We've had it since 1996, and it had over 10K when we got it, so that works out to 5 or 6K miles a year. Hadn't realized how much we've traveled until I actually did the math. Then there's the road time in the car that I haven't taken time to talley.
No wonder I feel like we just get home and there's another trip planned.
Maybe that's why I'm just getting started on a blog. I probably wouldn't have started one yet if I hadn't been coerced. (You know who you are....) Not that it's a bad thing...............

Beginning post.

I guess it's time to enter the Blog world. I've resisted for a number of excuses, but no real valid reasons. We'll see in time how much effort I put into it.
This is a beginning, so I'll see where it goes from here................